
Audiovore Interviews: Ending People

Ending People are a newish band that staked their Denver claim sneaking into the UMS last year and stealing another band’s spot. Since then, they landed a record deal with Cash Cow Production and have been recording a debut EP that’s set to be released later this year. As part of our Don’t Look Down concert series we interviewed Jeff Davenport, a guitarist and bassist for the band and asked him a whole bunch of stupid questions. Luckily, he has a sense of humor about these things. 

AudioVore: If you could have any person or animal to be Ending People’s mascot, who or what would it be?
Jeff Davenport: Oh my god

AV: They’re all like this by the way

JD: Oh man, these are the worst questions in the world! Any person or animal?

AV: Remember you’re representing the whole band here.

JD: Oh okay, the whole band and one mascot. I’d have to say Falcor from Never Ending People.

AV: Oh that’s a very good one.

JD: That’s Never Ending Story, not Never Ending People, ha! You like that one?


AV: Would you guys, as a collective, rather be invisible or know how to fly?

JD: Or know how to play?

AV: (laughs) Fly, but that too.

JD: I think being invisible.

AV: What would you do with that invisibility?

JD: We’d lurk around and pinch people in the butt.


AV: So you just finished recording an EP, when is that going to be released?

JD: Our release date for the album is officially August 3rd but we’ll probably be selling it before then.


AV: And that record is on Cash Cow records right?

JD: Cash Cow Production. Not records.

AV: Who else is on the label with you guys?

Accordion Crimes, Buildings and Land Lines.


AV: What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

JD: Cleaning carpets. When I was like 14 or 15 years old.

AV: Is that what drove you into music?

JD: (laughs) Something like that.


AV: How long have you guys been a band?

JD: About a year, but we all kind of knew each other before then more or less. I knew Justin just casually, Tim didn’t know Justin very well, but Tim, Erin and I knew each other very well. I guess I was the link to some extent because I knew Justin from Nathan And Stephen and was in bands with both Tim and Erin, but not at the same time.


AV: I guess that’s why we’re interviewing you and not one of the other members. You’re the lynchpin.

JD: I guess so, if they want to call me that. Yeah, Tim and I were in Dust On The Breakers together for about 5 years. He moved to Denver so we could play music together in that band. And Erin and I were in D. Biddle and Porlolo together and did the radio show (Local Shakedown on Radio 1190). So when Erin moved back to town we were just like “Hey let’s play some music together and drink beers just to catch up” and we were doing that a couple times and then I ran into Justin at a show and told him to come play. We didn’t really mean to start a band. It was kind of just something to have fun and drink beers.


AV: So what’s the best place besides the MCA rooftop to play in Denver?

JD: That’s a pretty great place to play. I’m pretty jaded because I haven’t been that excited. There are only so many venues to play in Denver, so I’ll definitely say the 16th Street Mall.


AV: Who is your favorite band in Denver?

Either Fairchildren or Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth

AV: Which out of those two would win in a kung-fu fight?

JD: Oh I’d say Sweet Tooth.

AV: Yeah, they’ve got the skills?

JD: I think they may win just because Andrew Warner is playing drums in Sweet Tooth and I feel like he’s got a lot of good tricks under his belt.


AV: Can you think of any movie sequels that are as good as the original?

JD: Uhm. Yes. There are a few of those. That’s a very good question. Definitely not Goonies 2. But I would say, Superman 2 or Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan.


AV: What’s your favorite hot dog place in Denver since there are like a hundred?

JD: Being a vegetarian I’m a little jaded, uhm. You know, there isn’t a good veggie…wait no, Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs. That place is the best.


AV: How many servings of fruit do you eat per day?

JD: A handful.

AV: A handful of servings or a handful of fruit?

JD: (laughs) A handful of fruit, but I eat a fair amount. I love fruit, it’s one of my favorite things to eat.

AV: Who in the band eats the least fruit?

JD: Man, everybody in this band likes fruit! Maybe Justin.


AV: Who’s body is nicer when exposed on stage: Aaron Collins from A. Tom Collins, Avery Rains from Mr. Pacman or Iggy Pop from The Stooges?

JD: I have to go for the aging Iggy Pop.

AV: Really? You’re going to pick Iggy over the two Denverites? His body is so leathery.

JD: It’s Iggy Pop, it speaks many tales, it’s the most fascinating to look at and see what’s going on with it.


AV: What’s the one thing you’d want to tell about your upcoming show or your band?

JD: We have t-shirts for sale.

AV: (laughs) In the back?

JD: In the back. We’ve only sold one, so we’re aiming to sell two.

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